How to bond dissimilar materials with high durability?
We all have experienced the situation when we were wondering how to join details with a different surface structure (metal with wood, plastic with metal, and others). At such moments, we often face the following problem: adhesives or double-sided tapes do not help as they promise. Obviously, glue for 1.5 Euros will not stick a person to the ceiling. You can not buy some magic that will meet all your needs at such an amount.
If you need a strong and durable bond, you have to know that there are adhesives and double-sided tapes, specially designed for each kind of material. Most of them successfully join a wide range of surfaces and despite it, there are some applications they do not suit. So choosing the right adhesives or double-sided tapes starts with your processes, objectives, and bonding challenges.
What shop assistants do not ask us when we buy glues?
When you go to a shop to buy glue or double-sided tape you need to read their labels to decide what will meet your needs. In such a situation, even shop assistants can not help you because they are not aware of all the product applications.
Choosing the right adhesive for your assembly begins with asking the right questions. It is very important to know what you need: whether you need a strong, permanent bond or you need special performance requirements – a clear bond, a flexible bond, a temperature range stability. In some occasions, the adhesive bond needs to be vibration resistant, acids or water-resistant or to have the option to be opened and closed multiple times. Also, you may answer this question: “Do you need time to reposition after adhesion?”. This means that you have to look at the open time of the adhesive.
3M ASPEC stands will help you get the best option for your assembly
3M creates a system called ASPEC to help the customers determine the best adhesive product for their needs. Answering a few questions you will receive a group of products that meet your requirements. Each product has its own table with bond specifications. It frequently happens, a customer who searches for an adhesive to find out that double-sided tape will be the best option for his assembly. ASPEC stands for assembly provides new possibilities for your needs, such as aerosol adhesives.
We integrated ASPEC on this website!
Now, you can choose options from a few lists (filters) on the left side of zalepi.bg, so you can receive the right product for your assembly. Choose Materials to apply from the listed options and then see what kinds of products will help for this assembly. For example, a lot of people do not know that there is a variety of thermally conductive tapes, which are stronger than thermal silicone adhesives.
Of course, there are specific applications that are hard to be added at ASPEC system because of their individual requirements and type of industry. To meet the specific needs of the customers we provide a qualified team of dealers, support from 3M’s experts and laboratories worldwide. So do not hesitate to contact us to get the best result for your assembly.